Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10 trends for long-term gains

What's the fastest way to restore your wounded portfolio? Put money into stocks that give you exposure to these trends. And there are some changes to the 50 Best Stocks in the World.

In the short term, you want to sell. Everything. And that's not an irrational desire. In a bear market, everything goes down. Good and bad stocks plunge. In fact, during the latter stages of a bear market, good stocks fall hardest. They're the only things that have kept any value, and investors desperate to raise cash dump the best of what is left in their portfolios to head off doom.

In the long term, you want to buy. Not everything, of course, but certainly the great stocks that have the best long-term prospects. You want to own the winners that have long-term, decade-long trends running in their favor. You want to hold on to those beneficiaries of long-term trends that you already own.