Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dump TV and get Rich

Interesting article on saving time and money by reducing TV viewing

How Dumping TV Allowed Me to Quit My Job, Create an Online Business and Fund My Retirement Account

It says

When people ask me what was the best decision I made when I decided to create this website, they are often surprised when I tell them that it was my decision to quit watching TV.

There is no doubt that TV costs people far more financially than they believe. For most people, TV is a habit that costs in excess of $1 million over a lifetime, or the equivalent of a healthy retirement account. For me, had I continued to watch TV over the past five years, in addition to the monetary aspects, it would have been the difference of working in a job I didn’t like and having my dream job working for myself for which there is no way to set a price.

Click below to read