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Friday, August 31, 2007
Consider this...
The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts from the 1500s.
Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and were still smelling pretty good by June. However, even in June they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water. Following him, the same water was used by the other men, the sons, the women, and finally the children. Last of all came the babies. By then, the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw, piled high. It was the only place for animals to get warm. So all the dogs, cats, and other small critters (including mice, rats, and bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained, it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."
The roof was not always effective in stopping things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom, where bugs and droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Thus, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That is how canopy beds came into existence.
The floor of the house was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery when they got wet in winter. So, they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they kept adding more thresh until when the door was opened it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entryway which came to be known as the "threshold."
Food was cooked in the kitchen in a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They mostly ate vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leave the leftovers in the pot, and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been in there for quite some time. Hence the rhyme, "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of both wealth and that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and sit around and "chew the fat."
When bread was baked the bottom would burn in the old wood burning ovens. When the bread was served it was divided according to your status in life; workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the
"upper crust."
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food-causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes. So, for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Most people did not have pewter plates, but had trenchers-a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl. Trenchers were never washed and often worms got into the wood. After eating off wormy trenchers, one could get "trenchmouth."
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. They might be taken for dead and prepared for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table. The family would gather around and eat and drink for a couple of days and wait to see it they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."
England is old and small and they started running out of places to bury people. So, they would dig up coffins and reuse the graves. When reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside. They realized they had been burying people alive. So, a string was tied on the wrist of the deceased. It led up through the coffin, up through the ground, and was tied to a bell. Someone sat out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to listen for the bell. Thus, someone could be "saved by the bell," or be considered a "dead ringer."
Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and were still smelling pretty good by June. However, even in June they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water. Following him, the same water was used by the other men, the sons, the women, and finally the children. Last of all came the babies. By then, the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw, piled high. It was the only place for animals to get warm. So all the dogs, cats, and other small critters (including mice, rats, and bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained, it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying, "It's raining cats and dogs."
The roof was not always effective in stopping things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom, where bugs and droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Thus, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That is how canopy beds came into existence.
The floor of the house was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery when they got wet in winter. So, they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they kept adding more thresh until when the door was opened it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entryway which came to be known as the "threshold."
Food was cooked in the kitchen in a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They mostly ate vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leave the leftovers in the pot, and then start over the next day. Sometimes the stew had food in it that had been in there for quite some time. Hence the rhyme, "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of both wealth and that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and sit around and "chew the fat."
When bread was baked the bottom would burn in the old wood burning ovens. When the bread was served it was divided according to your status in life; workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the
"upper crust."
Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with a high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food-causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes. So, for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Most people did not have pewter plates, but had trenchers-a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl. Trenchers were never washed and often worms got into the wood. After eating off wormy trenchers, one could get "trenchmouth."
Lead cups were used to drink ale or whiskey. The combination would sometimes knock them out for a couple of days. They might be taken for dead and prepared for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table. The family would gather around and eat and drink for a couple of days and wait to see it they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."
England is old and small and they started running out of places to bury people. So, they would dig up coffins and reuse the graves. When reopening these coffins, one out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside. They realized they had been burying people alive. So, a string was tied on the wrist of the deceased. It led up through the coffin, up through the ground, and was tied to a bell. Someone sat out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift) to listen for the bell. Thus, someone could be "saved by the bell," or be considered a "dead ringer."
How To Hide An Airplane Factory
During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers needed to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant to protect it from a Japanese air attack. They covered it with camouflage netting and trompe l’oeil to make it look like a rural subdivision from the air.
My Uncomfortable Experience in a Public Mens Room: Funny
My Uncomfortable Experience in a Public Mens Room
by kharma
Two weeks ago, the kids and I went on a trip to visit friends in San Antonio, Texas. On the way we stopped at a rest area just off the interstate. What happened next made me very uneasy...
The Manager's Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders
Management is all about connecting with the people on your team. So how do you effectively manage a team? With common knowledge, of course. These are a few back-to-basics rules that will help you develop management skills that really matter.
Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump
Even the most motivated of us — you, me, Tony Robbins — can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get into such a slump that even thinking about making positive changes seems too difficult.
But it’s not hopeless: with some small steps, baby ones in fact, you can get started down the road to positive change.
trader psychology
Two Qualities of Successful Traders
One of the qualities I've noted in highly successful traders is that they don't just follow markets; they also observe themselves. They keep rigorous score: they know how much they make or lose, and they identify what they do right and wrong. In my meetings with them, they don't just look for support. They seek ways to improve themselves and their trading. The very best traders are every bit as hungry to make improvements when they're making money as when they're drawing down.
trader psychology
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Lifestyles Of The Pets Of The Rich And Famous
Everybody knows it's not a dog's life to be rich, but no one knows this better than a rich person's dog.
Leona Helmsley, dubbed the "Queen of Mean" for personifying the 1980s stereotype of greed and excess, made her pet Maltese Trouble her biggest heir, leaving a $12 million trust fund for the pet in a will that disinherits two grandchildren and doesn't even mention great-grandchildren.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Navigating subprime securities
It was never easy to value sliced-and-diced subprime mortgage bundles. Now that the market's dried up, it's nearly impossible.
By now everyone knows that those once wildly popular subprime-backed securities aren't worth as much as was thought. But that still leaves a big question: What are they worth?
For most securities there are procedures for figuring it out. Everyone who takes money from investors - from hedge funds to investment banks to mutual funds - must, typically at quarterly intervals, disclose the net asset value of their holdings. That is no big deal for a mutual fund manager who owns shares of, say, GE, but for a hedge fund manager who has been buying bundles of mortgage-backed securities (which can be, in turn, resliced into another asset class known as a CDO, or collateralized debt obligation), it's a confounding proposition. There simply isn't a reality-based way to value the stuff.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Ratings agencies under fire
Moody's and Standard & Poor's have come under heavy criticism for failing to predict the subprime blowup.
On a recent conference call with ratings agency Standard & Poor's, Steven Eisman, a managing director at hedge fund Frontpoint Partners, had a question. Referring to the agency's move to downgrade billions of dollars of mortgage-backed securities, he said, "I'd like to understand why you're making this move today and why you didn't do this many, many months ago."
"It's a good question," responded the S&P analyst.
"You need to have a better answer," said Eisman.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Housing woes hit high end too
The subprime mortgage collapse isn't just threatening the market for low-end homes; it's also afflicting luxury homes.
What could the collapse in the subprime mortgage market possibly have to do with whether Dr. Jeffrey and Madeline Stier get full price for their four-bedroom house in the wealthy New York City suburb of Larchmont?
Not much, you would think. After all, the people who live in Larchmont tend to be lawyers, doctors, and Wall Streeters. Generally speaking, they aren't the credit-challenged borrowers who must resort to subprime mortgages to finance their homes.
Reduced: The asking price for this house in affluent Larchmont, N.Y., was recently reduced from $2.5 million to $1.99 million.
And yet talk to the Stiers about the tepid demand for their home -- a lovely Tudor on a tree-canopied cul-de-sac near the local elementary school -- and it's clear that what's happening in the subprime market is reverberating all the way up the real estate food chain.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Stocks: Late-Show Chills and Thrills
During these wild times on Wall Street, the last hour of trading has been marked by rapid plunges—and sudden rallies. What gives?
For one of the best signs of how the stock market is handling this time of deep fear and uncertainty, look at how stocks perform late in the day.
In the morning and early afternoon, indexes might swing wildly between "things aren't so bad" to near-panic selling. But as the closing bell approaches, traders know they'll be stuck with their decisions overnight.
As fear of a global credit crunch spread earlier this week, traders have spent the late afternoon flooding the market with sell orders. That's fear, plain and simple, market experts and traders say.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
The Boy With The Incredible Brain
This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few ... savants.
He can do calculations to 100 decimal places in his head, and learn a language in a week.
This documentary follows Daniel as he travels to America to meet the scientists who are convinced he may hold the key to unlocking similar abilities in everyone. He also meets the world’s most famous savant, the man who inspired Dustin Hoffman’s character in the Oscar winning film ‘Rain Man’. (2005)
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
No hedging on these salaries
Average pay in 2006 for the top fund managers was $657.5 million
Top private-equity and hedge fund managers made more in 10 minutes than average-paid U.S. workers earned all of last year, according to a new study from two research groups.
The 20 highest-paid fund managers made an average of $657.5 million, or 22,255 times the U.S. average annual salary of $29,500, said the study, released Wednesday by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy. The study cited data from the U.S. Labor Department and Forbes magazine.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
21 Proven Tactics for Self and Employee Motivation
If you want to make things happen the ability to motivate yourself and others is a crucial skill. At work, home, and everywhere in between, people use motivation to get results. Motivation requires a delicate balance of communication, structure, and incentives. These 21 tactics will help you maximize motivation in yourself and others.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Emergency Room True Stories : Funny
A 28-year old male was brought into the ER after an attempted suicide. The man had swallowed several nitroglycerin pills and a fifth of vodka. When asked about the bruises about his head and chest he said that they were from him ramming himself into the wall in an attempt to make the nitroglycerin explode.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
The Cheapskate Guide: 50 Tips for Frugal Living
Why live frugally? First, because it allows you to spend less than you earn, and use the difference to pay off debt, save or invest. Or all three. Second, because the less you spend, the less you need to earn. And that means you can choose to work less, or work more but retire early. Or take mini retirements. You have more options with a frugal lifestyle.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Startup Venture Toolbox
Welcome to the Startup Venture Toolbox created by David Rex. The goal of the Toolbox is to provide entrepreneurs with the tools and assistance necessary to help achieve their desired goals as well as to provide a forum for the exploration of entrepreneurial ideas and issues.
The Toolbox is organized in the order that most entrepreneurs follow in taking their ventures from idea to exit.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Seeking Your Mentors
When it comes to mentors, one size doesn't fit all.
A few generations back, employees typically spent their entire careers at one company. Now, most people switch jobs at least four or five times, not to mention one or two complete career switches.
That's why one mentor can't possibly fulfill all of our professional needs. Instead, think of yourself as the chairman and form a professional advisory board of counselors to lend a hand when you need career or professional advice.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
To Get Rich, Surround Yourself With Supporters
Truly believing that you will become wealthy means that you are on your way with a positive vision for what you want to achieve. For many of you, this means that you are now engaged in what I call "no-limit thinking."
No-limit thinking will keep you moving forward. So share this positive vision. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and in your vision. Remember, positive thinking attracts positive people who will support you.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Psst! The Secrets Of Serial Success
Five years ago, Tom Scott and Tom First realized they would never have to work again. Friends from college, the pair had launched a juice brand called Nantucket Nectars from the back of their island boat and catapulted themselves -- the self-dubbed "juice guys" -- into the stuff of entrepreneurial legend as their beverage took off nationwide.
They sold a majority of their company to Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc., and when Cadbury Schweppes PLC later bought the entire business for an estimated $100 million in March of 2002, both men were set for retirement -- and they were only in their mid-30s.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Risk returns with a vengeance
For years big players ignored obvious dangers and reaped rich rewards. Now they are paying the price - and so is everyone else
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Cleaning Up on the Meltdown
By anticipating problems in the credit markets, a Yale-trained computer scientist and other asset managers are producing healthy returns
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Could we be living in a computer simulation??
Until I talked to Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University, it never occurred to me that our universe might be somebody else’s hobby. I hadn’t imagined that the omniscient, omnipotent creator of the heavens and earth could be an advanced version of a guy who spends his weekends building model railroads or overseeing video-game worlds like the Sims.
Could we be living in a computer simulation???
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Almanac of American Wealth: The RICHEST Americans
Wealth is relative, and the value of the dollar is far from fixed. So this ranking of American plutocrats measures their total wealth as a fraction of U.S. GDP at their time of death (or for Gates, 2006).
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Beijing Police Launch Virtual Web Patrol
Police in China's capital said Tuesday they will start patrolling the Web using animated beat officers that pop up on a user's browser and walk, bike or drive across the screen warning them to stay away from illegal Internet content.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Nanotech Discovery Could Lead to Spiderman Suit
A team of Italian scientists says their latest nanotech discovery is the secret to the wall-scaling Spiderman suit.
Professor Nicola Pugno, an engineer and physicist at Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, has created a hierarchy of adhesive forces he claims are strong enough to suspend a person’s full body weight against a wall or on a ceiling. The adhesive is also easy to detach, according to the paper.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
The 20 Richest Women In Entertainment
These days, just about any lip-smacking starlet can land a cable reality show or become YouTube's flavor of the week. But fame's 15 fleeting minutes can elapse quicker than it takes to refresh a Web page.
Only a bona fide superstar can parlay a moment's stardom into a long and lucrative career. And even that's not enough to land a coveted spot on our first-ever listing of the 20 Richest Women in Entertainment.
For that, you'd need a minimum net worth of $45 million.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Your First Million Is the Toughest
The old saying that the rich get richer is very true. As long as you manage your money well, it's far easier to make money if you've already got some cash socked away than it is to start from scratch. The reason is simple: compounding
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just How Contagious Is That Hedge Fund?
HEDGE funds may well stay vulnerable to the kind of rapidly spreading losses that have been precipitated this summer by problems in the subprime mortgage market.
The fundamental problem is that even when hedge funds say they are pursuing entirely separate investment strategies, they often actually use common approaches, according to several experts. When one of these bets goes bad for one hedge fund, losses can result for many of them, disrupting the broader financial markets.
The fundamental problem is that even when hedge funds say they are pursuing entirely separate investment strategies, they often actually use common approaches, according to several experts. When one of these bets goes bad for one hedge fund, losses can result for many of them, disrupting the broader financial markets.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Hub fund chief tells investors of $400m loss
Superstar hedge manager blames market turmoil
James Pallotta, Boston's highest-paid hedge fund manager and a part owner of the Boston Celtics, told investors in his $8.5 billion Raptor fund Friday that some of the investments in the fund were "simply crushed" by the market turmoil of the past month.
James Pallotta, Boston's highest-paid hedge fund manager and a part owner of the Boston Celtics, told investors in his $8.5 billion Raptor fund Friday that some of the investments in the fund were "simply crushed" by the market turmoil of the past month.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Market status as of Friday August 24, 2007
Here are screenshots of the markets as of Friday August 24, 2007.
The markets are trying to go up.
It is safer to wait till they cross the moving averages lines [The blue line and the pink line] and go above it before buying stocks.




The markets are trying to go up.
It is safer to wait till they cross the moving averages lines [The blue line and the pink line] and go above it before buying stocks.




Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Friday, August 24, 2007
Cracking The Street's New Math
Algorithmic trades are sweeping the stock market. But how secure are they?
Ted Oberhaus used to have one big headache. As director of equity trading at the $93 billion Jersey City-based Lord Abbett & Co. mutual-fund group, he typically needs to buy and sell about 7 million shares a day. Trouble is, the average-size deal on the New York Stock Exchange has fallen to just 400 shares, down from 1,477 in 1998.
As a result, if other traders get wind of what Oberhaus is up to, market prices could move swiftly against him. "We're trying to put elephant-size orders through a keyhole," says Oberhaus.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Monday, August 20, 2007
Current Definition of Stocks for Traders
Here is the current definition of Stocks for many Traders and Hedgefunds at present.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Markets as of Aug 15, 2007
Here are the markets as of Aug 15, 2007
All down..Alll red...not a pretty sight..
Tighten your long stops and look for shorts if you have not already shorted stocks.
Refrain from buying any new stock at present.




All down..Alll red...not a pretty sight..
Tighten your long stops and look for shorts if you have not already shorted stocks.
Refrain from buying any new stock at present.




Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
How Rating Firms' Calls Fueled Subprime Mess
August 15, 2007
August 15, 2007
In 2000, Standard & Poor's made a decision about an arcane corner of the mortgage market. It said a type of mortgage that involves a "piggyback," where borrowers simultaneously take out a second loan for the down payment, was no more likely to default than a standard mortgage.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Did Genius Fail Again at Goldman Sachs' Global Alpha Fund?
It's not looking good for Goldman Sachs's Global Alpha fund.
Despite rumors that the investment bank would wind up the ailing quantitative fund, Goldman Sachs continues to stand by its unit. It was widely reported in the media on Thursday that Global Alpha, a mega $9 billion hedge fund in Goldman's asset management group, was down 16% for the year.
Unlike the typical hedge fund, Global Alpha is a quantitative fund, meaning that its trades are determined by computers and convoluted mathematical models. Some quant funds are completely computer dictated, while others spew out investment options for a human trader to veto or accept.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Fun with Credit Default Swaps: Funny and Informative
The $26 trillion credit default swap market, which was just getting started a decade ago, is now twice the size of the U.S. economy.
Think a C.D.S. as an insurance policy that offers protection in case an investment goes sour.
Illustrator Christophe Niemann explains it in terms that even a monkey can understand.
Think a C.D.S. as an insurance policy that offers protection in case an investment goes sour.
Illustrator Christophe Niemann explains it in terms that even a monkey can understand.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Secret Lives of Hedge Fund Lawyers
Read the article Secret Lives of Hedge Fund Lawyers
by Caitlin Liu in Portfolio mgazine
by Caitlin Liu in Portfolio mgazine
Gathering courtroom intelligence can be a lucrative second career.
Long before closing arguments, and even before key witnesses have testified, Loring Justice sits in his law office in Knoxville, Tennessee, analyzing the case and forecasting the verdict.
He is not doing so for the plaintiff or the defendant, nor is he talking to reporters covering the case. His eager audience consists of hedge fund traders.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Market Analysis for August 9, 2007
The US markets had a huge drop today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen by 387 points.
Hopefully, the DreamTai users have not suffered much losses.
I have attached the charts of Dow Jones Industrial average and the ETFs for the major index names like DIA, QQQ and SPY.
For each of these, you can see that DreamTai has asked you to get out of long positions and think about shorts around a week ago.
1. The prices have moved below the pink line, which means that the trend has changed to bearish and you should start thinking about shorts.
2. The color of the price bars have turned red, which means the price momentum is downwards.
3.The Power Rankings for DIA, QQQ and SPY are only a bit negative now.
They are all negative around -1. Remember that +3 is the minimum to call it a bullish trend and -3 is the minimum to call it a bearish trend.
There could be more bearish trend to come.
The Power Ranking for Dow Jones Industrial Average is invalid because there is no volume data for the Index, so please ignore it.




Start looking at suitable shorts, if you are into shorting, and start tightening the stops for your existing long positions.
Hopefully, the DreamTai users have not suffered much losses.
I have attached the charts of Dow Jones Industrial average and the ETFs for the major index names like DIA, QQQ and SPY.
For each of these, you can see that DreamTai has asked you to get out of long positions and think about shorts around a week ago.
1. The prices have moved below the pink line, which means that the trend has changed to bearish and you should start thinking about shorts.
2. The color of the price bars have turned red, which means the price momentum is downwards.
3.The Power Rankings for DIA, QQQ and SPY are only a bit negative now.
They are all negative around -1. Remember that +3 is the minimum to call it a bullish trend and -3 is the minimum to call it a bearish trend.
There could be more bearish trend to come.
The Power Ranking for Dow Jones Industrial Average is invalid because there is no volume data for the Index, so please ignore it.




Start looking at suitable shorts, if you are into shorting, and start tightening the stops for your existing long positions.
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Wikinvest: Social Stock Picking And Analysis
By Adario Strange
Click here to read the article....
Click here to go to Wikinvest...
I’m having a lot of fun exploring Wikinvest, an investing information site co-founded by former manager Mike Sha.
The site lists companies and breaks them down by category with company history, stock symbol, current stock outlook, bullish and bearish comments from visitors and members, and stock history graphs.
My favorite part of the site is a section called Concepts, where users can list a company or product (for example, the iPhone) that may affect the future of other companies.
Click here to read the article....
Click here to go to Wikinvest...
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Furniture That Color-Coordinates On The Fly
An interactive table and chairs that can change colour has been developed by Japanese researchers.
reamed up by Shinya Matsuyama and colleagues from the Studio Mongoose design company in Japan, the Fuwapica furniture draws on the country's ancient notions that gods inhabit every manmade artefact, be it chopsticks, dishes or tables.
Click to read here...
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Understanding Credit's Alphabet Soup
There were a couple of great graphics in the New York Times recently, explaining in some degree of detail, the machinations of the RMBS, CDO and CLO markets.
These are the packaged (and repackaged) holdings that are based upon the sub-prime mortgages that have been defaulting in such large numbers, and have been leading to hedge fund blow ups.
First up: todays front page article by Gretchen Morgenson: Mortgage Maze May Increase Foreclosures.
Click here to read ....
Dreamtai Stock Trading Software
Monday, August 06, 2007
Stock picks as of August 6, 2007
DREAMTAI Software Daily Report
as of : 2007_08_06
Stock List sorted by Power Rankings
Legal Note: For Education and Entertainment only
Please do more research before placing buy or sell orders
Usually stocks with Power ranking above 3 have a strong uptrend
Usually stocks with Power ranking below minus 3 [-3] have a strong downtrend
Usually stocks take support at 20 day moving average and 50 day moving average
Then either they resume their trend or crash through the Averages. Do not ignore the 20 and 50 day moving averages lines
Please... please... please... please... do not risk MORE THAN 2 percent of your capital on ANY SINGLE trade... THANK YOU!!
Stock Ticker Name | Power Ranking | Last Closing Price | Strategy | New Buy New Sell |
RGR | 11.75 | 21.89 | BUY 69 shares at 21.98 Put Protection Sell Stop at 19.09 First Profit Target=24.87 Total Investment=1516.62 | |
AUXL | 10.11 | 20.31 | BUY 42 shares at 20.37 Put Protection Sell Stop at 15.65 First Profit Target=25.09 Total Investment=855.54 | |
ARTC | 8.5 | 55.59 | BUY 31 shares at 55.87 Put Protection Sell Stop at 49.48 First Profit Target=62.26 Total Investment=1731.97 | |
FCN | 7.79 | 48.66 | BUY 22 shares at 49.56 Put Protection Sell Stop at 40.66 First Profit Target=58.46 Total Investment=1090.32 | |
TRMB | 7.22 | 38.45 | BUY 32 shares at 39.04 Put Protection Sell Stop at 32.9 First Profit Target=45.18 Total Investment=1249.28 | |
NATL | 6.52 | 31.38 | BUY 29 shares at 31.86 Put Protection Sell Stop at 24.99 First Profit Target=38.73 Total Investment=923.94 | |
ARJ | 6.18 | 41.05 | BUY 25 shares at 41.22 Put Protection Sell Stop at 33.48 First Profit Target=48.96 Total Investment=1030.5 | |
OII | 5.47 | 62.41 | BUY 26 shares at 62.79 Put Protection Sell Stop at 55.14 First Profit Target=70.44 Total Investment=1632.54 | |
IDXX | 5.11 | 108.57 | BUY 18 shares at 108.79 Put Protection Sell Stop at 98.23 First Profit Target=119.35 Total Investment=1958.22 | |
ATK | 4.3 | 112.84 | BUY 11 shares at 115.97 Put Protection Sell Stop at 99.08 First Profit Target=132.86 Total Investment=1275.67 | |
FAM | -2.74 | 17.2 | SELL 219 shares at 17.15 Put Protection Buy Stop at 18.06 First Profit Target=16.24 Total Investment=3755.85 | |
IGD | -3.03 | 18.61 | SELL 76 shares at 17.73 Put Protection Buy Stop at 20.34 First Profit Target=15.12 Total Investment=1347.48 | |
ATAXZ | -3.23 | 7.36 | SELL 270 shares at 7.33 Put Protection Buy Stop at 8.07 First Profit Target=6.59 Total Investment=1979.1 | |
JPC | -3.23 | 11.88 | SELL 249 shares at 11.67 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.47 First Profit Target=10.87 Total Investment=2905.83 | |
GSBC | -3.82 | 23.96 | SELL 88 shares at 23.73 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.99 First Profit Target=21.47 Total Investment=2088.24 | |
FCM | -3.85 | 16.3 | SELL 92 shares at 15.75 Put Protection Buy Stop at 17.92 First Profit Target=13.58 Total Investment=1449 | |
GOOD | -3.89 | 17.52 | SELL 61 shares at 17.03 Put Protection Buy Stop at 20.27 First Profit Target=13.79 Total Investment=1038.83 | |
UMH | -3.93 | 12.8 | SELL 181 shares at 12.78 Put Protection Buy Stop at 13.88 First Profit Target=11.68 Total Investment=2313.18 | |
FCT | -3.94 | 16.19 | SELL 114 shares at 15.71 Put Protection Buy Stop at 17.46 First Profit Target=13.96 Total Investment=1790.94 | |
LGF | -4.34 | 9.85 | SELL 156 shares at 9.78 Put Protection Buy Stop at 11.06 First Profit Target=8.5 Total Investment=1525.68 | |
SCMF<---- New Sell | -4.52 | 7.19 | SELL 173 shares at 6.87 Put Protection Buy Stop at 8.02 First Profit Target=5.72 Total Investment=1188.51 | SCMF<---- New Sell |
NNDS | -4.61 | 41.71 | SELL 25 shares at 38.71 Put Protection Buy Stop at 46.45 First Profit Target=30.97 Total Investment=967.75 | |
IQW | -5.44 | 10.7 | SELL 129 shares at 10.51 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.05 First Profit Target=8.97 Total Investment=1355.79 | |
EZPW | -5.53 | 11.19 | SELL 100 shares at 10.56 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.55 First Profit Target=8.57 Total Investment=1056 | |
CNBC | -5.62 | 11.9 | SELL 84 shares at 11.84 Put Protection Buy Stop at 14.22 First Profit Target=9.46 Total Investment=994.56 | |
LGCY | -5.98 | 22.44 | SELL 48 shares at 21.34 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.5 First Profit Target=17.18 Total Investment=1024.32 | |
RSYS | -6.12 | 10.87 | SELL 194 shares at 10.8 Put Protection Buy Stop at 11.83 First Profit Target=9.77 Total Investment=2095.2 | |
TBL | -6.14 | 21.86 | SELL 62 shares at 21.32 Put Protection Buy Stop at 24.5 First Profit Target=18.14 Total Investment=1321.84 | |
CSH | -6.24 | 31.97 | SELL 28 shares at 31.1 Put Protection Buy Stop at 38.2 First Profit Target=24 Total Investment=870.8 | |
OMEF | -6.25 | 22.43 | SELL 47 shares at 20.95 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.19 First Profit Target=16.71 Total Investment=984.65 | |
TMWD | -6.25 | 2.03 | SELL 555 shares at 2.01 Put Protection Buy Stop at 2.37 First Profit Target=1.65 Total Investment=1115.55 | |
IHC | -6.28 | 17.21 | SELL 70 shares at 16.54 Put Protection Buy Stop at 19.37 First Profit Target=13.71 Total Investment=1157.8 | |
CTZN | -6.37 | 16.91 | SELL 84 shares at 16.54 Put Protection Buy Stop at 18.9 First Profit Target=14.18 Total Investment=1389.36 | |
GCFB | -6.46 | 4.53 | SELL 198 shares at 4.48 Put Protection Buy Stop at 5.49 First Profit Target=3.47 Total Investment=887.04 | |
EGLT | -6.47 | 13.11 | SELL 86 shares at 12.95 Put Protection Buy Stop at 15.27 First Profit Target=10.63 Total Investment=1113.7 | |
MIM | -6.5 | 30.05 | SELL 62 shares at 29.76 Put Protection Buy Stop at 32.94 First Profit Target=26.58 Total Investment=1845.12 | |
OB | -6.53 | 20.65 | SELL 56 shares at 20.18 Put Protection Buy Stop at 23.69 First Profit Target=16.67 Total Investment=1130.08 | |
HAQ | -6.57 | 6.16 | SELL 128 shares at 6.14 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.7 First Profit Target=4.58 Total Investment=785.92 | |
PHA | -6.58 | 20.34 | SELL 44 shares at 18.58 Put Protection Buy Stop at 23.12 First Profit Target=14.04 Total Investment=817.52 | |
CZN | -6.62 | 12.8 | SELL 94 shares at 12.64 Put Protection Buy Stop at 14.76 First Profit Target=10.52 Total Investment=1188.16 | |
IDCCD | -6.86 | 26.74 | SELL 61 shares at 26.62 Put Protection Buy Stop at 29.85 First Profit Target=23.39 Total Investment=1623.82 | |
PNM | -6.94 | 22.37 | SELL 30 shares at 21.03 Put Protection Buy Stop at 27.5 First Profit Target=14.56 Total Investment=630.9 | |
CRFN | -6.96 | 9.25 | SELL 111 shares at 9.23 Put Protection Buy Stop at 11.02 First Profit Target=7.44 Total Investment=1024.53 | |
CRF | -7.01 | 14.7 | SELL 49 shares at 14.14 Put Protection Buy Stop at 18.2 First Profit Target=10.08 Total Investment=692.86 | |
LSE | -7.19 | 8.49 | SELL 117 shares at 8.15 Put Protection Buy Stop at 9.85 First Profit Target=6.45 Total Investment=953.55 | |
BEBE | -7.44 | 13.03 | SELL 95 shares at 12.33 Put Protection Buy Stop at 14.42 First Profit Target=10.24 Total Investment=1171.35 | |
NCOC | -7.45 | 3.74 | SELL 281 shares at 3.67 Put Protection Buy Stop at 4.38 First Profit Target=2.96 Total Investment=1031.27 | |
ZIOP | -7.5 | 4.04 | SELL 162 shares at 3.86 Put Protection Buy Stop at 5.09 First Profit Target=2.63 Total Investment=625.32 | |
GNW | -7.68 | 27.89 | SELL 42 shares at 27.03 Put Protection Buy Stop at 31.7 First Profit Target=22.36 Total Investment=1135.26 | |
DLIA | -7.73 | 6.06 | SELL 166 shares at 5.98 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.18 First Profit Target=4.78 Total Investment=992.68 | |
CSNT | -7.79 | 34.36 | SELL 34 shares at 31.98 Put Protection Buy Stop at 37.81 First Profit Target=26.15 Total Investment=1087.32 | |
ANN | -7.9 | 29.47 | SELL 44 shares at 28.06 Put Protection Buy Stop at 32.57 First Profit Target=23.55 Total Investment=1234.64 | |
AE | -7.92 | 22.34 | SELL 52 shares at 21.88 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.67 First Profit Target=18.09 Total Investment=1137.76 | |
LB | -8.04 | 10 | SELL 74 shares at 9.68 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.37 First Profit Target=6.99 Total Investment=716.32 | |
BRCD | -8.09 | 6.55 | SELL 196 shares at 6.43 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.45 First Profit Target=5.41 Total Investment=1260.28 | |
SEE | -8.13 | 25 | SELL 57 shares at 24.6 Put Protection Buy Stop at 28.08 First Profit Target=21.12 Total Investment=1402.2 | |
DTG | -8.18 | 32.46 | SELL 32 shares at 31.54 Put Protection Buy Stop at 37.71 First Profit Target=25.37 Total Investment=1009.28 | |
NYM | -8.26 | 31.8 | SELL 32 shares at 31.2 Put Protection Buy Stop at 37.36 First Profit Target=25.04 Total Investment=998.4 | |
PLAB | -8.31 | 12.4 | SELL 73 shares at 11.84 Put Protection Buy Stop at 14.56 First Profit Target=9.12 Total Investment=864.32 | |
BE | -8.42 | 6.02 | SELL 140 shares at 5.63 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.05 First Profit Target=4.21 Total Investment=788.2 | |
BSMD | -8.64 | 5.46 | SELL 210 shares at 5.43 Put Protection Buy Stop at 6.38 First Profit Target=4.48 Total Investment=1140.32 | |
IACI | -8.7 | 26.8 | SELL 60 shares at 26.48 Put Protection Buy Stop at 29.77 First Profit Target=23.19 Total Investment=1588.8 | |
CVO | -8.73 | 18.41 | SELL 52 shares at 17.72 Put Protection Buy Stop at 21.51 First Profit Target=13.93 Total Investment=921.44 | |
LSI | -8.91 | 6.27 | SELL 131 shares at 6.05 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.57 First Profit Target=4.53 Total Investment=792.55 | |
MRVC | -9.01 | 2.35 | SELL 425 shares at 2.28 Put Protection Buy Stop at 2.75 First Profit Target=1.81 Total Investment=969 | |
WCC | -9.18 | 48.08 | SELL 24 shares at 47.48 Put Protection Buy Stop at 55.52 First Profit Target=39.44 Total Investment=1139.52 | |
ACMR | -9.28 | 16.11 | SELL 61 shares at 15.38 Put Protection Buy Stop at 18.64 First Profit Target=12.12 Total Investment=938.18 | |
KELYA | -9.54 | 21.48 | SELL 40 shares at 20.77 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.76 First Profit Target=15.78 Total Investment=830.8 | |
CBKN | -9.83 | 13.09 | SELL 50 shares at 12.68 Put Protection Buy Stop at 16.64 First Profit Target=8.72 Total Investment=634 | |
NT | -10.03 | 18.38 | SELL 39 shares at 17.59 Put Protection Buy Stop at 22.64 First Profit Target=12.54 Total Investment=686.01 | |
SNTS | -10.04 | 3.61 | SELL 99 shares at 3.3 Put Protection Buy Stop at 5.3 First Profit Target=1.3 Total Investment=326.7 | |
CSAR | -10.17 | 3.74 | SELL 118 shares at 3.18 Put Protection Buy Stop at 4.87 First Profit Target=1.49 Total Investment=375.24 | |
NTAP | -10.47 | 23.18 | SELL 26 shares at 22.49 Put Protection Buy Stop at 30.05 First Profit Target=14.93 Total Investment=584.77 | |
NWY | -10.55 | 8.71 | SELL 103 shares at 8.29 Put Protection Buy Stop at 10.22 First Profit Target=6.36 Total Investment=853.87 | |
PRS | -11.07 | 8 | SELL 82 shares at 7.34 Put Protection Buy Stop at 9.75 First Profit Target=4.93 Total Investment=601.88 | |
HSR | -11.37 | 7.4 | SELL 86 shares at 7.08 Put Protection Buy Stop at 9.4 First Profit Target=4.76 Total Investment=608.88 | |
STSA | -11.5 | 20.38 | SELL 55 shares at 20.08 Put Protection Buy Stop at 23.67 First Profit Target=16.49 Total Investment=1104.4 | |
ABVA | -11.56 | 9.8 | SELL 72 shares at 9.5 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.25 First Profit Target=6.75 Total Investment=684 | |
PANC | -11.58 | 2.62 | SELL 190 shares at 2.46 Put Protection Buy Stop at 3.51 First Profit Target=1.41 Total Investment=467.4 | |
HOTT | -11.65 | 7.97 | SELL 93 shares at 7.45 Put Protection Buy Stop at 9.6 First Profit Target=5.3 Total Investment=692.85 | |
MEE | -11.78 | 18.07 | SELL 46 shares at 17.88 Put Protection Buy Stop at 22.22 First Profit Target=13.54 Total Investment=822.48 | |
SANM | -11.82 | 2.35 | SELL 307 shares at 2.18 Put Protection Buy Stop at 2.83 First Profit Target=1.53 Total Investment=669.26 | |
WTSLA | -11.92 | 4.09 | SELL 246 shares at 4.07 Put Protection Buy Stop at 4.88 First Profit Target=3.26 Total Investment=1001.22 | |
MSO | -12.01 | 11.56 | SELL 64 shares at 10.78 Put Protection Buy Stop at 13.89 First Profit Target=7.67 Total Investment=689.92 | |
PARL | -12.16 | 3.28 | SELL 168 shares at 3.22 Put Protection Buy Stop at 4.41 First Profit Target=2.03 Total Investment=540.96 | |
MIPI | -12.44 | 6.26 | SELL 90 shares at 6.09 Put Protection Buy Stop at 8.31 First Profit Target=3.87 Total Investment=548.1 | |
JNY | -12.5 | 20.53 | SELL 27 shares at 19.77 Put Protection Buy Stop at 27.14 First Profit Target=12.4 Total Investment=533.79 | |
CBHI | -13.03 | 5.74 | SELL 166 shares at 5.61 Put Protection Buy Stop at 6.81 First Profit Target=4.41 Total Investment=931.26 | |
MMPI | -13.08 | 5.2 | SELL 118 shares at 4.87 Put Protection Buy Stop at 6.56 First Profit Target=3.18 Total Investment=574.66 | |
GMTC | -13.52 | 6.86 | SELL 97 shares at 6.84 Put Protection Buy Stop at 8.9 First Profit Target=4.78 Total Investment=663.48 | |
IFC | -13.79 | 10 | SELL 60 shares at 9.3 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.63 First Profit Target=5.97 Total Investment=558 | |
CPWM | -13.84 | 5.44 | SELL 111 shares at 5.42 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.21 First Profit Target=3.63 Total Investment=601.62 | |
EVR | -13.88 | 20 | SELL 29 shares at 18.63 Put Protection Buy Stop at 25.47 First Profit Target=11.79 Total Investment=540.27 | |
CNST | -14.43 | 4.16 | SELL 119 shares at 4.03 Put Protection Buy Stop at 5.7 First Profit Target=2.36 Total Investment=479.57 | |
PMI | -14.51 | 30.6 | SELL 25 shares at 29.18 Put Protection Buy Stop at 36.94 First Profit Target=21.42 Total Investment=729.5 | |
ANH | -14.54 | 5.99 | SELL 73 shares at 5.77 Put Protection Buy Stop at 8.5 First Profit Target=3.04 Total Investment=421.21 | |
EPIX | -14.69 | 3.69 | SELL 175 shares at 3.65 Put Protection Buy Stop at 4.79 First Profit Target=2.51 Total Investment=638.75 | |
MNKD | -14.74 | 8.21 | SELL 59 shares at 7.83 Put Protection Buy Stop at 11.18 First Profit Target=4.48 Total Investment=461.97 | |
DITC | -15 | 5.2 | SELL 79 shares at 5.08 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.59 First Profit Target=2.57 Total Investment=401.32 | |
LQDT | -15.55 | 12.14 | SELL 41 shares at 11.98 Put Protection Buy Stop at 16.83 First Profit Target=7.13 Total Investment=491.18 | |
GFF | -15.64 | 12.98 | SELL 31 shares at 11.98 Put Protection Buy Stop at 18.24 First Profit Target=5.72 Total Investment=371.38 | |
RDR | -16 | 12.14 | SELL 38 shares at 11.68 Put Protection Buy Stop at 16.92 First Profit Target=6.44 Total Investment=443.84 | |
BFF | -16.25 | 2.22 | SELL 156 shares at 2.09 Put Protection Buy Stop at 3.37 First Profit Target=0.81 Total Investment=326.04 | |
EMMS | -16.67 | 5.49 | SELL 83 shares at 5.32 Put Protection Buy Stop at 7.72 First Profit Target=2.92 Total Investment=441.56 | |
SPF | -17.11 | 10.56 | SELL 24 shares at 7.49 Put Protection Buy Stop at 15.68 First Profit Target=-0.7 Total Investment=179.76 | |
SMP | -17.13 | 8.62 | SELL 40 shares at 7.86 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.85 First Profit Target=2.87 Total Investment=314.4 | |
ROIA | -18.5 | 4.1 | SELL 70 shares at 3.55 Put Protection Buy Stop at 6.38 First Profit Target=0.72 Total Investment=248.5 | |
UPFC | -18.71 | 8 | SELL 69 shares at 7.82 Put Protection Buy Stop at 10.69 First Profit Target=4.95 Total Investment=539.58 | |
ROIAK | -18.75 | 4.05 | SELL 66 shares at 3.49 Put Protection Buy Stop at 6.52 First Profit Target=0.46 Total Investment=230.34 | |
PRD | -19.06 | 13.43 | SELL 17 shares at 12.53 Put Protection Buy Stop at 23.91 First Profit Target=1.15 Total Investment=213.01 | |
FBTX | -19.19 | 8.56 | SELL 57 shares at 7.93 Put Protection Buy Stop at 11.42 First Profit Target=4.44 Total Investment=452.01 | |
BONT | -19.79 | 20.81 | SELL 26 shares at 20.25 Put Protection Buy Stop at 27.88 First Profit Target=12.62 Total Investment=526.5 | |
AHR | -19.91 | 7.08 | SELL 54 shares at 6.51 Put Protection Buy Stop at 10.21 First Profit Target=2.81 Total Investment=351.54 | |
TESS | -20.32 | 11.29 | SELL 21 shares at 10.68 Put Protection Buy Stop at 20.16 First Profit Target=1.2 Total Investment=224.28 | |
CLAY | -21.19 | 6.43 | SELL 55 shares at 6.4 Put Protection Buy Stop at 10.02 First Profit Target=2.78 Total Investment=352 | |
CBF | -22.04 | 6.21 | SELL 52 shares at 6.1 Put Protection Buy Stop at 9.88 First Profit Target=2.32 Total Investment=317.2 | |
DFR | -22.35 | 7.93 | SELL 31 shares at 5.67 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.04 First Profit Target=-0.7 Total Investment=175.77 | |
RAMR | -22.49 | 6.42 | SELL 25 shares at 5.89 Put Protection Buy Stop at 13.87 First Profit Target=-2.09 Total Investment=147.25 | |
VCI | -25.4 | 7.88 | SELL 37 shares at 7.65 Put Protection Buy Stop at 12.94 First Profit Target=2.36 Total Investment=283.05 | |
CRZ | -28.56 | 11.7 | SELL 24 shares at 10.98 Put Protection Buy Stop at 19.07 First Profit Target=2.89 Total Investment=263.52 | |
RDN | -32.05 | 23.23 | SELL 9 shares at 17.42 Put Protection Buy Stop at 37.45 First Profit Target=-2.61 Total Investment=156.78 |
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