Saturday, May 15, 2021

How to format and view Crypto Currencies in DreamTai

DreamTai does not have datafeed for crypto currencies.

However, if you get data for these from your data providers like Yahoo, you can format the prices and view them in DreamTai.


For BitCoin, the price data is available in sites like Yahoo Finance.

You can download the historical data and use PriceFormatter program to convert the prices to DreamTai format.

 1. Download the file []

Contact DreamTai com Inc. for the [] program.

Save the file in the following folder: and save it in the following folder:

2. In File Explorer, go to the folder [C:\DreamTai_50225]

3. Right click on the file [] and from the menu select
[Extract All]

4. You will see a window [Select a Destination and Extract Files]
Input [C:\DreamTai_50225\PriceFormatter] in the text box.
Click on the [Extract] button.

5. You will see that a new folder [PriceFormatter] has been created inside the
[C:\DreamTai_50225] folder.

6. Go to the folder [C:\DreamTai_50225\PriceFormatter\input] and save all the
data files you have downloaded from Yahoo Finance.

In the picture below, I have downloaded and saved historical data from Yahoo for Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Etherium and for the stock Oracle




7.Go to [C:\DreamTai_50225\PriceFormatter] folder and run the program [runPriceFormatter.bat] file.

 Depending on your computer configuration, it may be called just [runPriceFormatter]. There may be no [bat] at end of the file name.



8. The PriceFormatter program will format the files and put the formatted files in
DreamTai Price folder.

It will open a window and show the status. Press any key after it is done, to close the window.

9. Go to folder [C:\DreamTai_50225\data\pricedata]
You should see the formatted files there.



10. Add the symbols in your watchlist
Go to folder [C:\DreamTai_50225\data\watchlists]
Open file [WL_1.txt] in notepad.
Add stock ticker symbols, one symbol per line.
Save and close the file







11. Start DreamTai and select Watchlist 1 (Assuming that you added the symbols in WatchList 1)
When you see a popup window [Should I download prices from the internet], select [No]

12.You should see the charts of the symbols you have entered.