DreamTai can be used for analyzing stocks from the following countries:
Num. | Country | Stock Exchange | Suffix after ticker symbol |
1 | USA | All | No suffix after ticker symbol |
2 | Canada | Toronto Stock Exchange | -CT |
3 | UK | London Stock Exchange | -LN |
4 | India | India Bombay Stock Exchange BSE | -IB |
5 | France | Euronext Paris | -FP |
6 | Ireland | Euronext Dublin | -ID |
7 | Netherland | Euronext Amsterdam | -NA |
8 | Israel | Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | -IT |
9 | UAE | Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange | -DH |
10 | Portugal | Euronext Lisbon | -PL |
Information about the suffix
While adding the ticker symbol to DreamTai watchlist, you have to add the suffix after the ticker symbol depending on the country.
For example: For Canadian stock ticker symbols, the suffix is "-CT". So, for symbols AAV, IPCO and ALEF you have to enter the following ticker symbols in DreamTai
For Indian stock ticker symbols, the suffix is "-IB". So, for symbols 500002,500003,500008 you have to enter the following ticker symbols in DreamTai
- 500002-IB
- 500003-IB
- 500008-IB
Starting December 1, 2020, many other countries data will also be available from IEX data exchange.
I will modify DreamTai so that it can fetch data from these exchanges provided that the data does not come with extra cost for the users of DreamTai.